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Augmented Reality

Get your Augmented Reality services done by Nofa Solutions

The last few years have witnessed a steady shift in the gaming world. Perhaps; the gaming notion has now shifted from the consoles to one’s mobile phone and Pc gaming applications. While the consoles require its user to purchase those tangible discs to be inserted; gaming apps omit this extra step. Moreover; while these apps are available for download at a free cost; most of the consoles turn out heavy for your pocket. All these reasons have together contributed to the fall and shift from the gaming console to the use of mobile and Pc apps. Coming to the development of these apps; most of these production companies are located in the far off under developed countries. They all boost of a trending concept, where augmented reality or AR is described as one among them.

Understanding the basic use of AR technology

Augmented reality forms a credential part in playing First Person Shooting games (FPS) and playing roles. This application allows the player to view the figure partly or the whole of the screen which is particularly required for the smartphone and tablet applications. The application is based on the computerization of the real life scenario and environment. This resemblance of the actual world is presented either graphically or sensorially where the latter forms a broader sense compared to the former by giving us the perception of all the things true to our sense. This technology makes an extensive use of a computing processor, display device, input device, and GPS and MEMS sensors.

How does the Technology work?

Head-mounted device, projector device and handheld device are all of those technical devices making a use of the AR technology. The users get to experience the real world graphical presentation along with audio information upon the use of these devices. Whenever there is a change in the view scene, the user get san updated information about the same instantly which opens up a lot of possibilities for the user at the same time. This stance is not only limited to the gaming edition. The user can enjoy this technology each time he or she looks out to find a hotel or ATM nearby. The AR device helps them to get their action done easily within a few seconds.

Field of uses

This technology is also used by the air force pilots as the modern headgears which they wear are based on the AR concept. The advisor of the headgear passes on useful and vital information to the pilot relating to the location maps, traffic, enemy location, jet route and such others. It together helps the pilot in accomplishing the mission with greater success adhering to the said strategies. Apart from it use in these entire field; AR technology also finds it use in other essential programs like Adobe and 3D design application.

AR service team at Nofa Solutions

Are you looking for an efficient AR development company for your business requirements and use? It is suggested to always look for those companies which have years of experience in this field along with good reviews about it services. Make sure to consider the artistic ability, design backgrounds and architectural skills of the company. In the race of the companies offering you with this service; Nofa solutions is considered the one of the best with their reliable service. Our team members possess efficient knowledge about the technology and works for your business success helping the customers to enjoy the use of the same. With years of experience; we promise to work for every need of our clients.

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